The property is situated in Aldea Flores, Villa de San Antonio, Comayagua, covering an area of 98 manzanas (approximately 671,247.86 m²). Located 110 meters from the main CA-5 highway, it offers strategic access to key cities like Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula. Currently classified as an intensive agricultural zone, the property has significant potential for urban or industrial development under sustainability principles.
Key Details
- Owner: Bustillo Castellanos Family
- Evaluator: Ing. Christian Andre Castillo Ponce (CICH No. 9260)
- Current Use: Rice cultivation (harvest completed in November 2023).
- Topography: Flat to semi-flat, elevation ~640m above sea level.
- Access Points:
- 110 meters and 340 meters from CA-5 Highway
- Proximity to Palmerola International Airport (7.5 km)
Development Potential
- Proposed Use: Mixed-use (residential and light industrial) projects integrating sustainability features.
- Community Contribution: Donation of 5 manzanas for public use, such as botanical gardens or recreational parks.
- Environmental Measures: Preservation of green spaces, sustainable water management, and renewable energy integration.
Legal and Zoning Context
- Registration: Property registered under legal titles (matricula Nos. 2268589).
- Zoning Status: Requires municipal approval for land-use change from agricultural to urban or industrial.
- Conduct comprehensive environmental impact assessments.
- Collaborate with the local municipality to ensure compliance with zoning regulations.
- Incorporate green technologies and sustainable practices in all development phases.
This report highlights the property’s prime location and readiness for sustainable development, ensuring economic growth and community benefit in Villa de San Antonio.